The Dark
The Dark by Nick Makoha
Fuel and Ovalhouse, 2018
Director: Roy Alexander Weise
Lighting: Neill Brinkworth
Sound: Duramaney Kamara
Movement Director: Jennifer Jackson
Photography: Helen Murray
Cast includes: Akiya Henry and Michael Balogun.
Night is not the only darkness. Nick takes a breath as he tries to remember.
Fragments of a forgotten journey flicker in front of his eyes. It is night, November 1978. He is four years old. He is holding his mother’s hand as they wait on the escarpment. They are leaving Kampala. Buying safe passage and silence with all they have, they travel by matatu and the conductor asks no questions. Their companions are the missing, lost and displaced. Those who have suffered eight long years under the rule of Idi Amin.
The Dark is a story of the journey taken by Nick and his mother to escape a country divided by dictatorship and consumed by conflict.